北京科技大学化学与生物工程学院 版权所有
董海峰 | |
教授 | |
办公地点: | 化生楼306 |
办公电话: | 010-82376576 |
电子邮件: | hfdong@ustb.edu.cn |
本科课程: | |
研究生课程: | |
科研方向: | 生物传感、药物运输、纳米药物 |
社会职务: | 中国生物检测检测联盟理事; 中国自由基生物学与自由基医学专业委员会青年委员 中国医学生物技术协会生物诊断分会“生物诊断新技术与新材料”委员 |
2005年三峡大学生物工程学士、2008年重庆大学硕士,2011获南京大学分析化学获博士学位(导师:鞠熀先),匹兹堡大学博士后(2012.10-2013.9),京都大学高级访问教授(2015,7-10)。北京科技大学师资博士后(2011.7-2013.9,合作导师,张学记),北京科技大学生物传感中心特聘教授(2013.10-2014.07),北京科技大学教授、博导(2014.8-至今) 。科研业绩
1.国家重点研发计划“数字诊疗装备研发” 专项“微流控器件-核酸质谱集成装备研制及在肿瘤精准医学中的应用解决方案” 2016.1.1-2018.12.31,212万,项目子课题负责人 2.国家自然基金-青年基金,21305008,新型多功能贵金属纳米探针与microRNA高效检测新方法的研究,2014/01-2016/12,25万,在研,主持 3.中央高校基本科研业务费,细胞microRNA和Dicer核酸内切酶的原位动态检测,FRF-BR-15-020A,2016/01~2016/12,10万,主持 4.教育部博士学科点专项科研基金,20120006120006,新型microRNA的分子识别体系的研究,2013/01-2015/12,4万,已结题,主持 5.中央高校基本科研业务费,FRF-TP-14-066A2,新型功能化石墨烯及其类似物肿瘤纳米药物的研究、2014.08-2015.09,5万,主持 6.中国博士后基金特别资助,2012T50042,肿瘤细胞内MicroRNA成像分析,2013/01-2014/12,15万,已结题,主持获得奖励/专利
1. 2012 江苏省优秀博士论文 DNA 检测与细胞内microRNA 分析新方法的研究; 2. 2013“全国百篇优秀博士论文提名” DNA 检测与细胞内microRNA 分析新方法的研究; 3. “教育部自然科学一等奖”(排名第六) 生物分子与细胞高效检测新原理与分析新方法研究 发明专利1项 (201310718451.4) 排名第二 2013.12.23; 4、一种表面等离子共振(SPR)传感芯片及其制备方法和应用。招生计划
1. 鞠熀先, 董海峰, 张学记, 核酸检测:DNA与microRNA检测方法, 知识产权出版社, 242千字,2015
2. Xueji Zhang, Haifeng Dong, Yaping Tian. MicroRNA detection and Pathological Function, Springer,37.4 千字,2015
1. Haifeng Dong, Feng Yan*, Hanxu Ji, Danny K. Y. Wong* and Huangxian Ju*. Quantum-Dot-Functionalized Poly(styrene-co-acrylic acid) Microbeads: Step-Wise Self-Assembly, Characterization, and Applications for Sub-femtomolar Electrochemical Detection of DNA Hybridization. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20(7), 1173-1179.
2. Haifeng Dong, Wenchao Gao, Feng Yan*, Hanxu Ji and Huangxian Ju*. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer between quantum dots and graphene oxide for sensing biomolecules Anal. Chem. 2010(13), 82, 5511-5517.
3. Haifeng Dong, Lin Ding, Feng Yan*, Hanxu Ji and Huangxian Ju*. The use of polyethylenimine-grafted graphene nanoribbon for cellular delivery of locked nucleic acid modified molecular beacon for recognition of microRNA. Biomaterials 2011, 32, 3875-3882.
4. Haifeng Dong, Zhu Zhu, Huangxian Ju* and Feng Yan*. Triplex signal amplification for electrochemical DNA biosensing by coupling probe-gold nanoparticles–graphene modified electrode with enzyme functionalized carbon sphere as tracer. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2012, 33, 228-232.
5. Haifeng Dong, Jianping Lei, Huangxian Ju*, Feng Zhi, Hua Wang, Wenjie Guo, Zhu Zhu and Feng Yan*. Target‐Cell‐Specific Delivery, Imaging, and Detection of Intracellular MicroRNA with a Multifunctional SnO2 Nanoprobe. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51(19), 4607 -4612.
6. Haifeng Dong, Jing Zhang, Huangxian Ju*, Huiting Lu, Shiyan Wang, Shi Jin, Kaihong Hao, Hongwu Du and Xueji Zhang*. Highly Sensitive Multiple microRNA Detection Based on Fluorescence Quenching of Graphene Oxide and Isothermal Strand-Displacement Polymerase Reaction. Anal. Chem. 2012, 84(10), 4587-4593.
7. Haifeng Dong, Shi Jin, Huangxian Ju, Kaihong Hao, Li-Ping Xu, Huiting Lu, and Xueji Zhang.* Trace and label-free microRNA detection using oligonucleotide encapsulated silver nanoclusters as probes. Anal. Chem. 2012(20), 84, 8670-8674.
8. Haifeng Dong, Chen Wang, Yi Xiong, Huiting Lu, Huangxian Ju* and Xueji Zhang*. Highly sensitive and selective chemiluminescent imaging for DNA detection by ligation-mediated rolling circle amplified synthesis of DNAzyme. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2013, 41, 348-353.
9. Haifeng Dong, Jianping Lei, Lin Ding, Yiongqiang Wen, Huangxian Ju* and Xueji Zhang.* MicroRNA: Function, Detection, and Bioanalysis. Chem. Rev. 2013, 113(8), 6207-6233.
10. Haifeng Dong, Kaihong Hao, Yaping Tian, Shi Jin, Huiting Lu, Shu-Feng Zhou and Xueji Zhang.* Label-free and ultrasensitive microRNA detection based on novel molecular beacon binding readout and target recycling amplification. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2014,53,377-383.